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Steps to Take When You Get Rear-Ended in a Hit-and-Run Accident

In those first shocking moments following a rear-end accident, you may respond with a primal urge to chase the vehicle. Avoid that response at all costs. Instead, use the six-step response described below to maximize your safety and that of the other drivers on the road.

Let the police track the hit-and-run driver down. Your focus should remain on your health and that of your passengers. Let’s review the safest, most appropriate response to a rear-end hit-and-run accident.

1. Note Vehicle Details

Note the make and model of the vehicle if you can see it. Also, note the license plate as the vehicle drives away, write it down or speak it into your phone’s voice recorder when possible. If you just need to rely on memory, do the best you can.

2. Move Your Vehicle to a Safe Area on the Road’s Shoulder

If your vehicle stopped in a traffic lane, move it to the shoulder of the road if it can still operate. Quickly getting your vehicle out of the movement of traffic keeps you and others safer.

3. Phone 911 Immediately

Phone 911 to report the accident and request assistance. Apprise the 911 operator that the at-fault driver left the scene. Provide as much description of the vehicle and as much of the license plate as possible. Do this while it remains fresh in your mind.

4. Have Paramedics Examine You

Let the paramedics examine you when they arrive. If they recommend that you visit the hospital, accompany them in the ambulance. Do not try to drive yourself there.

5. Provide Detailed Information to the Police

Provide the police with as much detail as you can when they arrive. In some cases, the severity of your injuries may preclude you from speaking with them at the accident scene. They will typically speak with you at the hospital after you receive treatment.

6. Contact Jeremy M. Wang Law & Associates, LLC for Assistance

Contact an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in hit-and-run accidents, such as Jeremy M. Wang. For more than 10 years, Jeremy M. Wang Law & Associates, LLC has offered legal services to residents of Westmont, IL and the surrounding areas.

As a personal injury attorney, Jeremy M. Wang regularly handles personal injury accidents, including motor vehicle accidents that involve commercial trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, SUVs, cars, vans, RVs, and light trucks. Let him help you.

Jeremy M. Wang

Published by
Jeremy M. Wang

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